BIN 46012015

VISA credit card (INFINITE level) issued by United States Trust Company, N.a. in Saudi Arabia

Card Information

IIN / BIN Length Required Prepaid Commercial Network Company Card Type Card Level Currency
46012015 16 false false VISA credit INFINITE SAR

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Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
United States Trust Company, N.a. 1-800-US TRUST

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Saudi Arabia IIN / BIN List SA Saudi Arabia 682 23.885942 45.079162

** This is public data. It may be outdated. Try Premium BIN Checker for new, accurate BIN database.

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Benefits of using our BIN-checker app

Aside from the well-designed web application, we offer customers three main important benefits that living up to their expectations:

1 - Validation and Verification: with a BIN noted from a user 's submitted card, you can perform the BIN check on our site to match our returned data with the customer's given information at sign-up time, of shipping destination, billing address, or social media profile.

2 - User-friendliness, Privacy, and Support: We ensure that you can browse through our site on any platform at easy, whether it is a mobile, desktop, or console device. The returned BIN lookup would display in such a way that easiest for your research and analysis. Lists of BINs by different criteria; such as: country, type, issuer, etc; are also there for needs. Should any problem occur, you can contact us for help at We do not store your BIN lookups in any way. Feel free to check as many BINs as possible.

3 - Massive, up-to-date database: As Forest Gump said "life is like a box of chocolates". With the BIN database of over 400,000 numbers, we strike to make the app as sweet as cholocate as possible. We transform the big data into such a reliable, convenient, and thorough web site for your great browsing experience. The results should be complete with responsive interface, not only aiming to ease out the tedious process of checking card IIN but making it such a joyful ride to victory in business.

46012015 VISA credit Saudi Arabia SA BIN List
46012015 VISA credit Saudi Arabia SA BIN List

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