Mexico (MX) 🡒 Banco Santander S.a. Inst. De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santander BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Mexico IIN / BIN List MX Mexico 484 23.634501 -102.552784

Bank Issuer Information

Mexico (MX) 🡒 Banco Santander S.a. Inst. De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santander : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
49132703 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474726 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132772 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474737 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132770 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132784 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474798 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474772 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132742 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132747 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132722 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132785 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474758 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474770 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474742 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132704 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132762 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132748 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474799 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474708 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474782 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474730 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132771 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132735 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132783 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132795 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474707 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132736 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474751 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132755 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474792 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474735 VISA credit CORPORATE
494134 VISA credit GOLD
45474769 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474757 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474775 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474793 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474776 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474724 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132796 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474741 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132710 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132737 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132799 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132756 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132721 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474794 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132797 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474768 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474777 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132745 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132757 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132720 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132782 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132794 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132708 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132798 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474709 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474723 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132719 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474703 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132738 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474739 VISA credit CORPORATE
454747 VISA credit NULL
49132781 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132709 VISA credit BUSINESS
45474779 VISA credit CORPORATE
45474727 VISA credit CORPORATE
49132758 VISA credit BUSINESS
49132780 VISA credit CORPORATE

792 more IIN / BIN ...

Mexico (MX) 🡒 Banco Santander S.a. Inst. De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santander : List of BINs from Banks

Mexico (MX) 🡒 Banco Santander S.a. Inst. De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santander : Card Networks

VISA (204 BINs found)

Mexico (MX) 🡒 Banco Santander S.a. Inst. De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santander : Card Types

credit (204 BINs found)

Mexico (MX) 🡒 Banco Santander S.a. Inst. De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santander : Card Brands

corporate (124 BINs found) business (76 BINs found) null (2 BINs found) gold (1 BINs found)
traditional (1 BINs found)
Mexico Mexico+%28MX%29+%26%23129106%3B+Banco+Santander+S.a.+Inst.+De+Banca+Multiple+Grupo+Financiero+Santander BIN List

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