Portugal (PT) 🡒 Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Portugal IIN / BIN List PT Portugal 620 39.399872 -8.224454

Bank Issuer Information

Portugal (PT) 🡒 Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
42818589 VISA credit GOLD
42818502 VISA credit GOLD
42818523 VISA credit GOLD
42818547 VISA credit GOLD
428185 VISA credit PLATINUM
425509 VISA credit CLASSIC
42818519 VISA credit GOLD
42818586 VISA credit GOLD
42818556 VISA credit GOLD
42818568 VISA credit GOLD
42818567 VISA credit GOLD
42818558 VISA credit GOLD
42818587 VISA credit GOLD
455575 VISA debit GOLD
42818504 VISA credit GOLD
42818545 VISA credit GOLD
42818528 VISA credit GOLD
42818544 VISA credit GOLD
42818566 VISA credit GOLD
42818529 VISA credit GOLD
42818559 VISA credit GOLD
428184 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
42818518 VISA credit GOLD
42818508 VISA credit GOLD
42818555 VISA credit GOLD
404864 VISA credit CLASSIC
42818521 VISA credit GOLD
428187 VISA debit ELECTRON
42818524 VISA credit GOLD
42818571 VISA credit GOLD
42818579 VISA credit GOLD
42818536 VISA credit GOLD
42818509 VISA credit GOLD
42818500 VISA credit GOLD
42818520 VISA credit GOLD
42818588 VISA credit GOLD
42818557 VISA credit GOLD
42818576 VISA credit GOLD
42818501 VISA credit GOLD
42818525 VISA credit GOLD
42818531 VISA credit GOLD
42818506 VISA credit GOLD
42818515 VISA credit GOLD
42818573 VISA credit GOLD
42818539 VISA credit GOLD
403007 VISA debit ELECTRON
42818577 VISA credit GOLD
42818530 VISA credit GOLD
42818570 VISA credit GOLD
42818554 VISA credit GOLD
42818507 VISA credit GOLD
42818514 VISA credit GOLD
42818522 VISA credit GOLD
42818550 VISA credit GOLD
407575 VISA credit BUSINESS
404865 VISA debit CLASSIC
42818541 VISA credit GOLD
42818512 VISA credit GOLD
42818517 VISA credit GOLD
42818580 VISA credit GOLD
42818535 VISA credit GOLD
42818572 VISA credit GOLD
479702 VISA debit ELECTRON
42818563 VISA credit GOLD
42818551 VISA credit GOLD
42818561 VISA credit GOLD
42818552 VISA credit GOLD
42818581 VISA credit GOLD
42818534 VISA credit GOLD

594 more IIN / BIN ...

Portugal (PT) 🡒 Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) : List of BINs from Banks

Portugal (PT) 🡒 Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) : Card Networks

VISA (106 BINs found)

Portugal (PT) 🡒 Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) : Card Types

credit (98 BINs found) debit (8 BINs found)

Portugal (PT) 🡒 Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) : Card Brands

gold (92 BINs found) classic (4 BINs found) electron (4 BINs found) business (2 BINs found)
traditional (2 BINs found) platinum (1 BINs found) premier (1 BINs found)
Portugal Portugal+%28PT%29+%26%23129106%3B+Banco+Internacional+Do+Funchal+S.a.+%28banif%29 BIN List

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