Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Cjsc Credit Europe Bank BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Russian Federation IIN / BIN List RU Russian Federation 643 61.52401 105.318756

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Cjsc Credit Europe Bank

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Cjsc Credit Europe Bank : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
41164860 VISA credit GOLD
41164818 VISA credit GOLD
41164857 VISA credit GOLD
411647 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
41164820 VISA credit GOLD
41164869 VISA credit GOLD
41164890 VISA credit GOLD
41164894 VISA credit GOLD
41164882 VISA credit GOLD
41164872 VISA credit GOLD
41164897 VISA credit GOLD
41164885 VISA credit GOLD
41164843 VISA credit GOLD
41164819 VISA credit GOLD
41164891 VISA credit GOLD
41164870 VISA credit GOLD
41164846 VISA credit GOLD
41164896 VISA credit GOLD
41164822 VISA credit GOLD
41164804 VISA credit GOLD
41164824 VISA credit GOLD
41164899 VISA credit GOLD
41164852 VISA credit GOLD
41164884 VISA credit GOLD
41164888 VISA credit GOLD
41164841 VISA credit GOLD
41164845 VISA credit GOLD
41164858 VISA credit GOLD
41164844 VISA credit GOLD
41164811 VISA credit GOLD
41164823 VISA credit GOLD
41164842 VISA credit GOLD
41164867 VISA credit GOLD
41164805 VISA credit GOLD
41164853 VISA credit GOLD
41164887 VISA credit GOLD
41164892 VISA credit GOLD
41164868 VISA credit GOLD
41164810 VISA credit GOLD
41164850 VISA credit GOLD
41164830 VISA credit GOLD
41164893 VISA credit GOLD
41164806 VISA credit GOLD
41164826 VISA credit GOLD
41164886 VISA credit GOLD
557057 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
41164865 VISA credit GOLD
41164849 VISA credit GOLD
41164825 VISA credit GOLD
41164809 VISA credit GOLD
41164827 VISA credit GOLD
41164807 VISA credit GOLD
41164889 VISA credit GOLD
432158 VISA credit PLATINUM
41164848 VISA credit GOLD
41164828 VISA credit GOLD
41164847 VISA credit GOLD
41164895 VISA credit GOLD
41164808 VISA credit GOLD
41164829 VISA credit GOLD
41164876 VISA credit GOLD
41164866 VISA credit GOLD
41164875 VISA credit GOLD
41164836 VISA credit GOLD
41164803 VISA credit GOLD
41164812 VISA credit GOLD

810 more IIN / BIN ...

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Cjsc Credit Europe Bank : List of BINs from Banks

Cjsc Credit Europe Bank (110 BINs found) CJSC CREDIT EUROPE BANK (1 BINs found)

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Cjsc Credit Europe Bank : Card Networks

VISA (104 BINs found) MASTERCARD (7 BINs found)

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Cjsc Credit Europe Bank : Card Types

credit (109 BINs found) debit (2 BINs found)

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Cjsc Credit Europe Bank : Card Brands

gold (100 BINs found) standard (2 BINs found) traditional (2 BINs found) business (1 BINs found)
electron (1 BINs found) null (1 BINs found) platinium (1 BINs found) platinum (1 BINs found)
standard immediate debit (1 BINs found) standard prepaid (1 BINs found)
Russian Federation Russian+Federation+%28RU%29+%26%23129106%3B+Cjsc+Credit+Europe+Bank BIN List

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