Spain (ES) 🡒 Servired S.c. BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Spain IIN / BIN List ES Spain 724 40.463667 -3.74922

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Servired S.c.

Spain (ES) 🡒 Servired S.c. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
440742 VISA credit STANDARD
437924 VISA credit STANDARD
437946 VISA credit STANDARD
447542 VISA credit STANDARD
440720 VISA credit STANDARD
431213 VISA credit STANDARD
447557 VISA debit BUSINESS
437951 VISA credit STANDARD
437905 VISA credit STANDARD
437944 VISA credit STANDARD
447559 VISA credit BUSINESS
437929 VISA credit STANDARD
447553 VISA credit STANDARD
437942 VISA credit STANDARD
437922 VISA credit STANDARD
440730 VISA credit STANDARD
437906 VISA credit STANDARD
437945 VISA credit STANDARD
447537 VISA credit STANDARD
440738 VISA credit STANDARD
437941 VISA credit STANDARD
447554 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
437947 VISA credit STANDARD
447536 VISA credit STANDARD
437932 VISA credit STANDARD
447538 VISA credit STANDARD
437927 VISA credit STANDARD
437911 VISA credit STANDARD
437962 VISA credit STANDARD
440735 VISA credit STANDARD
437901 VISA credit STANDARD
437916 VISA credit STANDARD
437928 VISA credit STANDARD
440741 VISA credit STANDARD
437902 VISA credit STANDARD
437915 VISA credit STANDARD
447530 VISA credit STANDARD
437961 VISA credit STANDARD
440736 VISA credit STANDARD
440727 VISA credit STANDARD
437930 VISA credit STANDARD
431851 VISA credit STANDARD
440749 VISA credit STANDARD
437956 VISA credit STANDARD
447549 VISA credit STANDARD
437959 VISA credit STANDARD
440729 VISA credit STANDARD
440737 VISA credit STANDARD
427339 VISA credit BUSINESS
437907 VISA credit STANDARD
437926 VISA credit STANDARD
437935 VISA credit STANDARD
440746 VISA credit STANDARD
437908 VISA credit STANDARD
447551 VISA credit STANDARD
440744 VISA credit STANDARD
437934 VISA credit STANDARD
437910 VISA credit STANDARD
447552 VISA credit STANDARD
432167 VISA credit STANDARD
447541 VISA credit STANDARD
447543 VISA credit STANDARD
440747 VISA credit STANDARD
437919 VISA credit STANDARD
419021 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
437903 VISA credit STANDARD
440728 VISA credit STANDARD
447531 VISA credit STANDARD
437909 VISA credit STANDARD
437920 VISA credit STANDARD

822 more IIN / BIN ...

Spain (ES) 🡒 Servired S.c. : List of BINs from Banks

Servired S.c. (83 BINs found) SERVIRED S.C. (9 BINs found)

Spain (ES) 🡒 Servired S.c. : Card Networks

VISA (92 BINs found)

Spain (ES) 🡒 Servired S.c. : Card Types

credit (90 BINs found) debit (2 BINs found)

Spain (ES) 🡒 Servired S.c. : Card Brands

standard (84 BINs found) business (3 BINs found) corporate (2 BINs found) traditional (2 BINs found)
platinum (1 BINs found)
Spain Spain+%28ES%29+%26%23129106%3B+Servired+S.c. BIN List

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