United States (US) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
United States IIN / BIN List US United States 840 37.09024 -95.712891

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Ba Merchant Services, Inc. www.bankofamerica.com 1.866.538.3827

United States (US) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
464725 VISA credit STANDARD
466162 VISA credit STANDARD
480123 VISA credit STANDARD
48180073 VISA debit BUSINESS
407190 VISA credit STANDARD
455930 VISA credit STANDARD
48180008 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
430135 VISA credit STANDARD
48180035 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
476167 VISA credit STANDARD
416413 VISA credit STANDARD
430131 VISA credit STANDARD
407278 VISA charge NULL
461031 VISA charge NULL
48180063 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180072 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180070 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180083 VISA debit NULL
48180096 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180007 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
416412 VISA credit STANDARD
48180037 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180033 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
430132 VISA credit STANDARD
48180009 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180064 VISA debit BUSINESS
480135 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
430136 VISA credit STANDARD
48180036 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
439999 VISA credit STANDARD
415804 VISA credit STANDARD
46103111 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
48180071 VISA debit BUSINESS
439902 VISA credit STANDARD
415803 VISA credit STANDARD
412479 VISA credit STANDARD
48180065 VISA debit BUSINESS
447912 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180097 VISA charge TRADITIONAL
48180052 VISA debit NULL
48180027 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180031 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180087 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
46103112 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
430137 VISA credit STANDARD
439998 VISA credit STANDARD
451900 VISA credit STANDARD
48180085 VISA debit BUSINESS
481800 VISA charge NULL
429806 VISA credit STANDARD
48180011 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
46103124 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180051 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180026 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
449280 VISA credit STANDARD
48180032 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180010 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180094 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180069 VISA debit BUSINESS
48180000 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
48180099 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
48180082 VISA debit BUSINESS
46103114 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
424624 VISA credit STANDARD
48180077 VISA debit BUSINESS
455922 VISA credit STANDARD
48180095 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
430139 VISA credit STANDARD

804 more IIN / BIN ...

United States (US) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : List of BINs from Banks

Ba Merchant Services, Inc. (191 BINs found)

United States (US) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : Card Networks

VISA (191 BINs found)

United States (US) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : Card Types

credit (125 BINs found) debit (57 BINs found) charge (9 BINs found)

United States (US) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : Card Brands

traditional (80 BINs found) standard (64 BINs found) business (38 BINs found) null (8 BINs found)
gold (1 BINs found)
United States United+States+%28US%29+%26%23129106%3B+Ba+Merchant+Services%2C+Inc. BIN List

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