VISA 🡒 Andorra BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Andorra IIN / BIN List AD Andorra 020 42.546245 1.601554

VISA 🡒 Andorra : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
434553 VISA debit ELECTRON
440731 VISA credit STANDARD
477566 VISA credit GOLD
455021 VISA credit PREMIER
422180 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
403669 VISA credit GOLD
450876 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
452510 VISA credit GOLD
424354 VISA debit ELECTRON
493474 VISA debit ELECTRON
440733 VISA credit STANDARD
454805 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
424353 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
453294 VISA credit GOLD
459986 VISA debit ELECTRON
434699 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
446572 VISA credit GOLD
413713 VISA credit BUSINESS
412615 VISA credit PLATINUM
415077 VISA credit PLATINUM
403615 VISA credit PLATINUM
434729 VISA credit GOLD
479711 VISA debit ELECTRON
441063 VISA debit PLATINUM
498825 VISA credit GOLD
453991 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
484631 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
453961 VISA debit ELECTRON
452511 VISA credit STANDARD
498513 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
456085 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
484632 VISA debit ELECTRON
450609 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
498514 VISA debit ELECTRON
437954 VISA credit STANDARD
413714 VISA credit GOLD
415575 VISA credit SIGNATURE
493775 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
406282 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
403668 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
434730 VISA credit PLATINUM
447548 VISA credit STANDARD
432703 VISA debit ELECTRON
432280 VISA debit ELECTRON
477564 VISA credit GOLD
477565 VISA credit INFINITE
432279 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
455061 VISA credit GOLD
419809 VISA credit GOLD
455283 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
459987 VISA debit ELECTRON
434554 VISA credit TRADITIONAL

4791 more IIN / BIN ...

VISA 🡒 Andorra : Countries

Andorra IIN / BIN List Andorra (54 BINs)

VISA 🡒 Andorra : List of BINs from Banks

Banca Mora, S.a. (12 BINs found) Andorra Banc Agricol Reig, S.a. (11 BINs found) Credit Andorra (9 BINs found) Banca Privada D'andorra, S.a. (2 BINs found)
Banco Sabadell (2 BINs found) Caixabank S.a. (2 BINs found) Citibank (2 BINs found) ANDORRA BANC AGRICOL REIG, S.A. (1 BINs found)
Banc Internacional D'andorra (1 BINs found) Banc Internacional Dandorra S.a. Andorra (1 BINs found) Banca Privada Dandorra S.a. Andorra (1 BINs found) Burns National Bank Of Durango (1 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Andorra : Card Types

credit (40 BINs found) debit (14 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Andorra : Card Brands

traditional (18 BINs found) electron (11 BINs found) gold (11 BINs found) platinum (5 BINs found)
standard (5 BINs found) business (1 BINs found) infinite (1 BINs found) premier (1 BINs found)
signature (1 BINs found)
VISA 🡒 Andorra BIN List

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