GOLD 🡒 Citicorp BIN List

Table of Contents

GOLD 🡒 Citicorp : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44763789 VISA credit GOLD
46030419 VISA credit GOLD
44763782 VISA credit GOLD
46030448 VISA credit GOLD
46030475 VISA credit GOLD
46030416 VISA credit GOLD
46030462 VISA credit GOLD
46030488 VISA credit GOLD
44763730 VISA credit GOLD
46030418 VISA credit GOLD
44763767 VISA credit GOLD
44763728 VISA credit GOLD
46030476 VISA credit GOLD
46030490 VISA credit GOLD
44763721 VISA credit GOLD
46030447 VISA credit GOLD
44763799 VISA credit GOLD
46030436 VISA credit GOLD
46030428 VISA credit GOLD
46030424 VISA credit GOLD
46030464 VISA credit GOLD
46030483 VISA credit GOLD
46030471 VISA credit GOLD
46030422 VISA credit GOLD
44763783 VISA credit GOLD
44763778 VISA credit GOLD
44763794 VISA credit GOLD
44763726 VISA credit GOLD
46030463 VISA credit GOLD
46030423 VISA credit GOLD
46030472 VISA credit GOLD
44763769 VISA credit GOLD
44763753 VISA credit GOLD
46030215 VISA credit GOLD
44763701 VISA credit GOLD
44763784 VISA credit GOLD
44763755 VISA credit GOLD
46030433 VISA credit GOLD
46030425 VISA credit GOLD
44763709 VISA credit GOLD
44763777 VISA credit GOLD
44763724 VISA credit GOLD
46030498 VISA credit GOLD
46030481 VISA credit GOLD
46030469 VISA credit GOLD
44763793 VISA credit GOLD
44763707 VISA credit GOLD
44763739 VISA credit GOLD
44763702 VISA credit GOLD
44763792 VISA credit GOLD
44763703 VISA credit GOLD
46030470 VISA credit GOLD
44763754 VISA credit GOLD
46030435 VISA credit GOLD
44763725 VISA credit GOLD
44763708 VISA credit GOLD
46030426 VISA credit GOLD
44763785 VISA credit GOLD
46030484 VISA credit GOLD
44763738 VISA credit GOLD
44763795 VISA credit GOLD
44763776 VISA credit GOLD
46030450 VISA credit GOLD
46030411 VISA credit GOLD
44763713 VISA credit GOLD
44763717 VISA credit GOLD
46030407 VISA credit GOLD
44763796 VISA credit GOLD
44763757 VISA credit GOLD
44763786 VISA credit GOLD

9530 more IIN / BIN ...

GOLD 🡒 Citicorp : Countries

Germany IIN / BIN List Germany (97 BINs) Uruguay IIN / BIN List Uruguay (94 BINs) Greece IIN / BIN List Greece (2 BINs) Australia IIN / BIN List Australia (1 BINs)
South Africa IIN / BIN List South Africa (1 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 Citicorp : List of BINs from Banks

Citicorp (194 BINs found) CITICORP (1 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Citicorp : Card Networks

VISA (195 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Citicorp : Card Types

credit (193 BINs found) debit (2 BINs found)
GOLD 🡒 Citicorp BIN List

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